March 01, 2007

Coursework and deadlines

It's Friday tomorrow. A normal day for many, but for all of year 11, it's the day when the Maths coursework is due in. Which means that half the year will take the morning off "ill", while the other half will boast about how late they stayed up last night, trying to finish it off. I should know - I was part of both last year.

Oh, sure, there's other subjects too, but we're all united in our fear of the maths department's strict deadline. In fact, we're so united that we seem to think it's alright to ask people we haven't spoken to in years for their entire coursework over Msn. At least 5 came asking for help before I added (and he's not sending coursework to ANYONE) to my screen name.

I'm perfectly happy giving friends help, but when I haven't even spoken to you for months that's just taking advantage. (remind you of anyone?) I pity Adam - he's too nice to turn people down like I do. Despite the fact that he finished his coursework a week ago, he'll still be up all night doing other people's.

We also have the year 11 photo shoot tomorrow morning. Teachers seem to think it'll work as a deterrent to stop people from bunking, but I expect the photo will just be half-empty instead. Which is a shame. I guess there's always the sixth form photo.


Anonymous said...

ever heard of ART?????

u proably owntr undertsnad but we have soooooooo much work 2 do.....2 uyears worth that they only NOw has to be put in and evaluated and annotead......

my life has become full of colours n stupid stuff like this....when i should be worring about maths i cant because i NEED 2 do well in art as im doing it next year, for those who havent done the maths... calm down,.... i havnt done 2 years of art....ok so it mite be my fault but in the end im in such a bad mood that maths isnt even english to me anymore!!!

good luck with ur maths but think about some us who are under even MORE stress!!

peace out guys!

Anonymous said...

this blog is older than your mum. write another.

Older stuff...