March 13, 2007

Review: the school production

The school production is rather unorthodox this year. Rather than one big play, it's two abridged Shakespeares - The Tempest and As You Like It.

The Tempest was Shakespeare's final play, a weird blend of romance, comedy and horror about an overthrown king with magic powers who takes revenge those who overthrew him. As You Like It is relatively straightforward - a romantic comedy based around unrequited love. I think. Someone got rejected several times and four couples got married at the end.

Despite the confusion of the audience (or at least me), they were still hugely enjoyable because of the great casts. I may complain about "Miss Farrow's favourites" a lot, but she does know how to cast people. Everyone suited their roles excellently, and it was refreshing to see some new faces amongst the regulars.

Although both were pretty well-polished, it was obvious from the interesting transitions and clever human forest that far more thought, if not time, was spent on As You Like It. (Which makes sense, since it was originally put together for the Shakespeare festival) That said, The Tempest is more entertaining purely because it involves magic, monsters and a shocking amount of alcohol.

Worth seeing? Probably. But as with all Shakespeares, it's worth reading the synopsis beforehand so that you understand what the hell is going on.


Anonymous said...

"I may complain about "Miss Farrow's favourites" a lot"

Hmmm...I have no idea what you're talking about...Miss Farrow obviously doesn't have favourites...and thoughts in any other way will not be tolerated...

I'm not bitter though. Of course not.

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously. No offence, but you sound really lame. I don't know you very well, but even explaining the plots of Shakespeare? There all the same anyway. I just think your old blog was waaay cooler and even my mother thinks it is lame, now that is saying something, if you ever meet my mum, you'd find that out.
Constructed critisism

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