February 09, 2007

I ain't no-one's photoshop bitch

Yesterday evening, a person (who shall remain anonymous) added me on Msn. He asked if I could turn part of an image black-and-white for him. Being the kind person I am, I said yes. So I started cutting out the pillows and wine bottle for him, and he mentioned another photo that he wanted a track list on.

Hang on, I thought... a track list? What did he want that photoshopped on for?

Then it hit me: it was the Media coursework, making CD covers! Silly me, I'd been working on mine that evening, and I didn't even realise. So I asked him when it was due in for. Can you guess? That's right, it was for tomorrow. The cheeky bugger had added me on Msn (having heard about my 1337 photoshopping skills) and asked me to do his Media coursework! I refused, despite his pleas. I don't care about cheaters - but when you don't even tell the person that it's coursework, that's just taking advantage of kindness.

The worst bit is that when I got to school this morning and told Adam about it, he replied "oh... I did it for him."

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