February 07, 2007

Guitar: first impressions

I had my first guitar lesson today, and it's bloody hard. Even a simple "D" chord takes me ages to put together, and then one of my fingers slips a millimetre and the chord sounds rubbish again. "A" is the worst, though. Three fingers cannot physically fit in the same fret bar. Well, they probably can, but it's damned hard.

Another problem, which I had been warned of previously: the tips of my fingers feel as though they've been cut with razor blades. The bloody strings are so thin that they leave deep marks in the ends of your fingers, and it hurts like hell.

I'm sure that all beginners suffer these problems, and that people who have been playing for years will roll their eyes at my complaints. But I get the impression that guitar has a pretty steep learning curve - I just hope it gets shallower later on.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is Jack! I've been playing guitar for almost 6 years now; and I'm telling you, D chords you will come to love!

Paul K said...

Yep Elliot. Here's some eye rolling for you. A? REALLY? Come on.

Great, now I sound like a right bastard.

Older stuff...