January 31, 2007

Vista ain't all that

There's so much media coverage of the release of Windows Vista at the moment, but I just don't understand why. What's so great about Vista that's going to convince me to go buy a new PC (since my old one certainly won't be powerful enough to run it)? Let's go through the features that Microsoft is showing off...

The new look, "Aero". Ooh, pretty glass effects. I have to admit that that this is one feature I do like, although it's not included in the cheaper versions.

The redesigned start menu and search functions. You can search your entire computer instantly now? Macs and Google Desktop have been doing that for years, sorry. No big deal.

The new sidebar with "Gadgets" - small little programs that check the weather and stuff. Umm... Haven't Yahoo! Widgets, Google Desktop (yup, it does more than just searching) and Opera been doing that for years?

The updated software. Yup, it comes with stuff for photos, video editing, DVD burning, plus a calendar and address book. But this stuff has all been included on Macs for years.

To be honest, almost every part of Vista has been ripped off from Apple, but that's no bad thing. I'm sure I'll be using it in the future, and any improvement is a good thing - I'll definitely appreciate searching without that poorly-animated dog next to the results.

Overall, there are plenty of new things in Vista, but is any of it going to make you rush out and buy a copy? Somehow I doubt it.


Anonymous said...

I get a free upgrade to vista with my new laptop but I dunno how to claim it lol. Anyway erm that "poor-animated" dog is actually quite cool, so leave him alone!

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day, its irrelevent that no-ones going to rush out and buy it. Upgrades are good news, we don't want to be getting windows xp with our new PC in 2008, and we aren't crying out for a load of new features, just to have the extras included in the package.

Anonymous said...

Pierce......be honest this is just a person who loves macs opinion....macs sound pretty cool but guess what!!! they now have viruses to :D Google it:D but yeah i see where your coming from though

theafroguy said...

Hey, Pierce.

Bite me.

N1l0c said...

Now apparently they completely re-wrote Vista from scratch... Fat chance with Microsofts record of un-efficient code.

David Pogue on Vista

Anonymous said...

Pierce....no honestly they do!!! you have seen it yourself

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