January 15, 2007

Why the PS3 will fail

PlayStation 2 is the most popular and fastest selling gaming console ever, so it's no wonder that the most anticipated console of the "Next Generation" is Sony's PlayStation 3. But is it really going to dominate the competition as much as its predecessor did? Here's why the PS3 will phail with a "ph".

Firstly, it's hideously expensive. It's $600 in America, and likely to be £425 when it finally arives here. Compare that to its competition: the Wii is only £180, while the XBox 360 is £300 £200.

Secondly, it's incredibly late. It was supposed to be out wordwide by spring 2006, but because of manufacturing problems it was delayed until November - in the US. We still have to wait until March.

The Blu-Ray player that Sony have put in the machine is causing all of its headaches. It's over-expensive and very difficult to make. Who needs that blu-ray player, anyway? No-one has hi-definition TVs apart from Chris.

There's more problems with the console, of course, but most are caused by its price and lateness. And it's all because of that damn blu-ray. Sony must be kicking themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a high-definition TV :-)

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