January 13, 2007

MySpace top eights

Someone pointed out yesterday that a person with only 4 "top friends" looks like they don't have very many. And, to be perfectly honest, I can understand why. So I bowed to the almighty peer pressure and extended my top friends to 8.

The thing is, it's so easy to miss people. And what if there are 9 people just as suitable to go in your top 8? Then what?

Then people get angry and annoyed. Arranging your mates is like playing with explosives. I've already had Minami leave the comment oh thats nice. *takes elliot off top friends*. And even though she was kidding, I can imagine huge arguments blossoming from this.

Why don't MySpace just have an option to get rid of your "top friends" section altogether? Because MySpace is rubbish, that's why.

Update: Apparently you can get rid of it. But it's not official, so MySpace is still rubbish.


Anonymous said...

Personally I find that my top 24 is not nearly large enough. A Top 48 would be much better, were it not so ungainly. The bst way to ease tension though is to have a largeish top friends, say 12 or 16, so theres lots of room, and then just put people in alphabetical order. I however enjoy people complaining that they should be higher in my top friends.

Anonymous said...

1. i'd like to say that it was ME who said that thing about how it looks like you don't have any friends.

2. you can get rid of myspace top friends, ask minami.

3. who is that joe guy? he sounds interesting...

theafroguy said...

Hannar -

1. I shall modify the post so your peer pressure-ness shall be known. If you want.

2. Minami has many top friends! Whatareyoutalkingabout?

3. For future refernce, Joe is Sam's older brother.

Anonymous said...

you can get rid of it!!!!

silly moo! google it!

Unknown said...

Yeah, most people can't see Minami's top friends because she has them hidden with CSS. You've got some thing that stops you ever seeing people's CSS because you're lame. Therefore, you can see her top friends.

I guess I agree with you though. Some people get SO worked up about other people's top friends. *cough* Lily, Emily*cough*

Anonymous said...

damn straight I'm interesting.

Anonymous said...

Myspace is the best. Why use it if it is so ruxbbish? xxx

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